Liebster Award

1:34 PM

What an honor and privilege (and surprise) it was to see that the beautiful Donna had passed this along to me. It is a bit of fun and nice to know that people are passing by and checking out the ups and downs of my world.

About the Award
This award was designed to be a blog award in the pay it forward fashion. Once you have been nominated, you forward it to 5 blogs that you like, that have fewer than 200 followers to encourage new visitors to these blogs.
Rules of Acceptance
Thank the person who gave you the Award and link it back to their blog. Post the Award on your blog. Give the Award to 5 bloggers who you appreciate, that have fewer than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know that you have given them the Award.

I have chosen in no particular order -
I have sent this off shore as there are some amazing ladies, who I call friends over there, that are just waiting to inspire you all. Give their blog a read and remember to leave some love.
 I know that this is all about paying forward, but it wont hurt anyone to check out Donnas blog too. I know that she would love you to call past and leave some love.
Mwah and happy blog surfing xx

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  1. it was a pleasure hun.. thanks for sending your scrappy friends me way xoxo

  2. Congrats Tess :)


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