
'Adorbs' - Layout

8:30 AM

I currently have a whole lot of layouts I still have to share on here, so I hope to roll through them over the next few weeks and get myself back up to date with my sharing. I have a few new videos I need to pull together and put up to, but will get to them later.

I love when some layouts just come together easily, and since I have started getting my scraproom set up correctly, I have found I am using more of the older products that I have laying around. This goes for everything from papers to tags to journal spots to ribbons, to stickers to chipboard..... The list goes on.


I tried a new technique on this page and to start with I wasn't really very happy with the result, but I made it work. As gold is the new rage at the moment, and has been now for some time, I took both of my chipboard pieces and coated them in a paste that is designed to make foil stick to it. I think I put too much on and didn't let it dry enough before taking the foil off, but as this was the first time I had used this technique, I let myself have this one. The chipboard piece below has a whole lot of overhang on it from where the glue spread while making sure the foil was flat. The coverage was however really good.

The next piece I tackled was this chipboard bird flourish. As you can see, it didn't take too well to this one. In actual fact it tried to take the top layer of chipboard off the piece. It was highly unsuccessful so I gave it another go straight over the top. I figured if this didn't work I would always keep peeling the top layer off, or simply turn it over!

It took better the second time, but still not as well as the smaller piece above. I honestly cant tell you why, but I used it anyway. There is no reason to waste something, when it will add character to the page. And no one else will have one just like it!!

Oh and that mint green ribbon popped up at the perfect time. I love the simple addition of it to the embellishments.

I dug out my cheesecloth pack for this one, and added a layer under the papers to soften it all up. This is another product that I started using some time ago and stopped. It was good to get it back out again and I love the effect it makes on the overall layout.

I was pretty happy with how all the imperfections came together to make the final page. Its just proof that if you keep going it will eventually get there in the end. You just need to push through!

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